I couldn’t believe my eyes….

210!!!!!! Yup, 210 that was my response back in 2018 when the scale flashed that number. That was the heaviest I had ever been. Not only did I not like what I was seeing in the mirror, I didn’t like the way I was feeling on the inside. I was struggling with inflammation, elevated blood pressure, imbalanced hormones just to name a few. I knew I had to do something. So, I tried keto challenges, vegan detox challenges, bootcamp challenges, intermittent fasting, and even did alternate day fasting. Through this experimental period, I was able to get down to 195-200 pounds by 2019.
Me at 200 pounds!

So, from 2019 until Sept 2021 I continued with the same types of efforts to lose weight and improve my overall health. However, despite my best efforts I couldn’t get the scale to move out of the 190s. So, I began to research weight loss surgery and lap band procedures. Shortly, I learned I didn’t qualify because even though I was obese with a BMI of 32 I didn’t meet the qualifications for these types of interventions. I knew I had to do something because nutrition and exercise just wasn’t enough. That’s when I began to investigate the newer weight loss medications on the market and discovered SEMAGLUTIDE! This once-a-week subcutaneous injection was a game changer! I did my first injection September 14, 2021 (weighed in at 202 pounds) and as of today as I compose this blog I am now 172 pounds and my BMI is 27.7! Words can’t express how great I feel both inside and outside. Not only do I like what I see in the mirror, but I no longer suffer from inflammation, my blood pressure is back normal, my hormones are balanced, and I’m no longer considered obese.
What I loved most about using SEMGALUTIDE is that I didn’t have to follow any strict eating plan or vigorous exercise routine. I was able to still enjoy foods I love without feeling guilty or deprived while making new lifestyle habits.

I hope my story encourages you to take the first step in your weight loss journey. Who better to understand your challenge than someone who has walked in those shoes? Schedule a consultation with Better Days Wellness Clinic, PLLC today at www.betterdayswc.com and let’s create a weight loss plan just for YOU!